Whenever going into business, there is much to think about and often just the mere thought of all the red tape is more than you care to deal with. From initial trials to marketing and government regulations, there is so much involved that many would-be entrepreneurs throw in the towel before they actually enter the ring. Yes, it’s a dog-eat-dog world, the competition is stiff, and you may have to fight for your very survival, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start an amazingly successful line of natural cosmetics. Here is some of what you need to know so that you won’t be totally overwhelmed when you decide to take the plunge.
Minimal Involvement from the FDA
One of the leading reasons why so many people in the industry avoid starting their own line of natural cosmetics or skincare products is that they mistakenly believe that they will be hounded by the government. Actually, when it comes to cosmetics and skincare products, the FDA is not charged with regulating the industry. They will not check ingredients other than any colors you might add, but when it comes to ingredients, customers might be your biggest worries.
The Importance of Consumer Research
There is no secret to the fact that Millennials are by far the biggest portion of the population demanding natural products. You will find that a beauty consumer research panel will probably be largely comprised of Millennials who are concerned with the environment and are going to be looking at the safety of anything and everything included in your formulations. Unfortunately, compiling a panel is out of your range of expertise. You are, after all, an esthetician or a beauty advisor. You may have a background in science or cosmetology, but you aren’t a marketing specialist or industry benchmarking pro. These would be the people to put together beauty consumer focus groups to give invaluable input during the pre-marketing days.
Marketing Is of Vital Importance
Because there have been so many unsubstantiated claims being made regarding new products of any kind, it is imperative that you use honest marketing strategies. Don’t over-embellish what your line of natural cosmetics can do and always highlight beauty product research that substantiates what your new line of natural cosmetics can offer. False marketing claims are another huge item on a Millennial’s agenda, so make sure that any and all marketing you undertake should be ethical and honest.
Bear in mind that today’s consumer wants to connect with businesses that are fair, ethical and eco-friendly. Your line of natural cosmetics, if truly devoid of harmful chemicals is going to be a big seller. Just remember that the FDA will only get involved if you use harmful chemicals and other than that, there will be other agencies involved if you make unsubstantiated claims. The BBB (Better Business Bureau) will probably be on the front lines, so take the time to ensure all your marketing is ethical and you will have what it takes to start that natural line of cosmetics that today’s woman seeks.