Almost all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas developing in your glands. There are four other types of prostate cancer you could have. But more than likely, you or your loved one is dealing with an adenocarcinoma.
If someone has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, then you should check out this list of six facts below. Consider this information before you or a loved one begins treatment for prostate cancer.
- You Are Not Alone
It is very important you remember you are not alone as you try to treat prostate cancer. Make sure you talk to someone about your diagnosis, your suggested treatment plan, and any concerns you might have. Of course, your medical provider will be a great asset to you when it comes to this. But you also should be comfortable talking to your family, friends, and even a mental health professional. You also might want to link up with other prostate cancer patients and survivors. Reach out and get support where you can. You are not alone.
- Be Certain You Know the Facts
Before you start prostate cancer treatment, you should know that each year in the US alone, more than 190,000 men are diagnosed with the disease. You also should know your chances of surviving are high. A prostate cancer diagnosis does not mean your life will end. You can make it.
- Consider All of Your Treatment Options
You have various treatment options that can be considered. Make sure you go over all of your treatment options with your care provider. Not only that, but you should make sure you fully understand how your treatment will work. Be certain you understand timelines and potential side effects. Know what you can do to ensure you get the best treatment. Know what you can do to be certain you beat this cancer as soon as possible.
- Think About Your Diet
Are you aware of the fact your diet can impact the treatment of your prostate cancer? You can eat certain foods and limit certain foods to increase your chances of survival and stop prostate cancer from returning. Get in plenty of fruits and vegetables, and in particular, cruciferous veggies are known to help. You also might want to limit certain foods like red meat and processed meats. Make sure you talk to your care provider about your diet. Be certain you drink plenty of water each day, too.
- Think About Other Lifestyle Changes
You also might want to look at your exercise levels. Studies have shown you can increase your chances of survival with exercise. Prefer to what your doctor says to figure out which low-impact exercises could be best for you.
- Know You Can Make It
It is essential you have a mindset that you will get through this. You must believe you can make it. Confidence is key, and through paying attention to the above tips, you can increase your chances of survival. Do not look at your diagnosis with a negative mindset. And if you ever start to doubt your ability to get through this, then you need to open up to someone. You have the tools to survive, and you have the statistics on your side that point to your chances of making it.
Moving Forward
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And remember you can do this. You can find the treatment plan best for you, and you can survive prostate cancer.