Travel & Living

5 Money-Saving Tips to Help You Pack for a Tropical Vacation

The sound of waves crashing; the warmth of the sun on your skin; the sweet smell of tanning lotion. These are the things that tropical vacations are made of, and they can be some of the most relaxing, enjoyable experiences of your life. However, they can also get expensive pretty quickly if you aren’t careful. Avoiding tourist traps is one way to lower the cost, but saving money on your trip begins before you even leave. Here are five ways you can cut costs when packing your bags:

1. Make your own travel-sized toiletries – At around only $0.99 each, those miniature shampoo and conditioner bottles may seem like a good deal, but they’re much more expensive per ounce. Get some empty travel-sized plastic containers instead and fill them with your own hair products, body wash, etc.

2. Plan to re-wear clothing – Pants and shirts can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfits so you can cut down on bag weight while still looking great. Find a local Laundromat or use the hotel’s laundry services to have them cleaned. Going on a cruise? Take advantage of the on-board laundry facilities if they have them, or even better, their laundry service, which lets you have your clothes cleaned, folded, and delivered right to your cabin all while you’re enjoying some fun in the sun.
3. Always, always, always leave extra room – It’s tempting to fill your bag to the brim when packing for a vacation, but always be sure to leave a little extra space and weight for souvenirs acquired on your trip. Otherwise, you may face expensive overweight bag fees.

4. Take advantage of carry-on luggage – Most airlines don’t yet charge for carry-on luggage, but the fees for checked luggage can be outrageous. Avoid these extra costs by bringing a carry-on instead of a second (or even first) checked bag. If you’re pushing the weight limits on your checked baggage, then put some of the heavier items in your carry-on. However, there are carry-on bag weight and size limits, so be sure not to exceed those.
5. Ask yourself, “Do I really need it?” – If you can buy it cheaply at your destination, or if you really don’t need it, then don’t bring it. For example, cruise ships provide fresh towels at no cost, so you can save space and weight by leaving yours at home. Cruise cabins, along with most hotel rooms, also have hair dryers. Don’t forget that some cruises offer duty-free shopping, which can offer much lower prices than you would find on land.

Once you’re at your destination, there are countless more ways to cut costs without compromising on fun, and with a well-packed bag, you’ll be all set up to have the time of your life, without blowing your life savings.

Karolina Shenton works with The Cruise Web, Inc., a travel agency that solely focuses on cruise vacations. Whether you want to depart for your cruise from Baltimore or you’re seeking an Alaskan adventure, the cruise consultants can find you an affordable cruise vacation option.

I Started out in 1976 trying out to sing in bands but no bands were interested in me. In 1977 I started playing guitar. The individual that was teaching me (who for now will remain anonymous) told me that I would NEVER learn how to play guitar because I had no sense of rhythm. I joined my first band in 1978 called "Dead Center" in Jacksonville, Florida. I played an Aspen guitar, black; a Les Paul copy and in 1981. I gave that guitar to the teacher who said I'd never learn to play. I wrote my first song in 1979 or '80. Over the years I have been in many bands but my passion has been songwriting. I have written well over 100 songs and though the early ones were kind of rough around the edges, I think that most of them could be dusted off and given a new facelift. Today I am still working on my songs. Currently I can play guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, harmonica, and Native American flute. The flutes that I play are ones that I made myself. My guitars are the Epiphone G-400 faded, an Ibanez RG370 DX, an Epiphone G 1275 double neck guitar. My acoustic guitars are an Alvarez 12 string and an old Kay guitar. My drum set is a Peace drum set. I do my recording on a Zoom HD16.
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  • Ellie Di
    October 23, 2018 at 12:29 am

    Ask yourself “Do I really need it?” is probably the greatest advice you could have give us! I do most of these tips and I can tell that they work, especially the carry-on lugguage one, it saved me time and money more times than I can count!

  • Sandra Watts
    October 17, 2018 at 2:52 pm

    I keep saying I am going to get away for at the very least a beach vacation but I never get there. Thanks for your tips though.

  • Jonel Thompson
    October 17, 2018 at 3:10 am

    I’m planning a tropical vacation with family so these were awesome tips!! Thank you

  • Paula Pennachio
    October 15, 2018 at 6:17 am

    These are great thank you

  • Germaine Harrison
    October 12, 2018 at 4:50 am

    Great tips. Thank you.

  • Sandy Klocinski
    October 11, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    Awesome tips!

  • Lisa
    October 10, 2018 at 4:09 am

    Great tips, I would love to go on a tropical vacation.

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