
What Is ACECQA? Everything You Need To Know

In Australia, the government regulates most early childhood educational services under the National Quality Framework. Together, with the help of local governments and the education sector, an independent, national agency called Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority helps realize the benefits of the National Quality Framework. 


ACECQA accomplishes this by working to serve early childhood educational needs in several ways. By providing information, resources and other vital tools to citizens and educators, ACECQA helps to increase the overall quality of Australia’s early childhood education. 

ACECQA Works With Australian Governments in Multiple Ways

Every day, the ACECQA works with Australian authorities in numerous ways. From implementing program changes and assisting children to promoting consistent application of educational laws across the country, ACECQA strives to raise the bar when it comes to early childhood education among Australians. In addition, ACECQA monitors the application of the law across settings and locations. By doing this, the agency supports the children’s education sector by improving overall outcomes for the country’s young people. 

A key thing to note about ACECQA is that the agency only serves children’s educational needs from birth to 13 years of age. Education beyond age 13 goes outside of what the law considers “early childhood.” With that said, ACECQA works to provide substantial information for those who the agency does serve. As result, millions of Australian children receive high-quality early childhood education. 

ACECQA Publishes Critical Research

In addition to assisting with the implementation of the law, ACECQA also helps the public by publishing critical research that helps move the direction of the government’s educational policy decisions.  For example, ACECQA is responsible for publishing the Guide to the National Quality Framework as well as quarterly NQF snapshots and reports. 


Additionally, ACECQA maintains a national register of childcare providers and services that the agency has approved. With this information, ACECQA also publishes useful data about each provider as well as relevant information about quality ratings of different services. All of this research provides a comprehensive analysis of the education sector as a whole.

ACECQA Provides Implementation Resources 

At the end of the day, it is the job of the ACECQA to provide early childhood educational resources that make the implementation of the National Quality Framework possible. To do this, a governing Board oversees ACECQA and has the ability to make the decisions necessary for this to occur. From hosting the National Quality Agenda IT System to answering questions that relate to early childhood education, ACECQA is often front-and-center in nearly all NQF discussions. 

Assessment is another critical aspect of ACECQA. With the implementation of any government program, evaluation is always necessary to see if agencies are meeting goals. More than monitoring government systems and policies, however, ACECQA also works to help child care providers evaluate their programs. Additionally, the agency helps providers create Quality Improvement Plans to make continuous improvements going forward. 

ACECQA Offers Classroom Resources

A major part of any early childhood education program implementation occurs inside the classroom. For this reason, another job of ACECQA is to further assist providers by also offering classroom resources. From educational games to NQS posters, Family Day Care materials and helpful videos, ACECQA has a sizable inventory of classroom resources that are available.

For educators who want to learn more about this agency and applicable teaching methodologies, ACECQA also offers numerous events and workshops throughout the year. To browse through offerings or to sign up, visit the agency website. 


In a nutshell, ACECQA is an independent agency that helps ensure that Australia’s early childhood education services continue to provide high-quality learning opportunities for all young Australians. As you can see, it accomplishes this in numerous ways.  

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