Dora the Explorer Fiesta Favorites Kitchen
Hi everyone. I have a new toy that I have been evaluating for children 2 and up. It is the Dora the Explorer Fiesta Favorites Kitchen. If you haven’t seen it before (or don’t know anything about it), or If you already have heard about it, but want someone else’s opinion, then I’m glad you’re here.
Children always play, it’s how they learn. I wouldn’t want it any other way. With most kitchen play sets, your child can learn to prepare food and interact with others. This is definitely a good thing for your children whether they are boys or girls.
However, this kitchen set has some added features that places this kitchen set ahead of every other one I have seen. I can’t say I have seen every kitchen set out there, so let’s just say, this one is well worth looking into.
The Fiesta Kitchen features the popular Nickelodeon character “Dora” and has an oven, refrigerator, grill top, sink, and 19 play pieces that help your child interact with the kitchen set. It also has a recipe area (with two sided recipe cards) and a phone that Dora calls your child on. This kitchenette is battery operated and the batteries are included. Let’s look at some of the features in more detail
The oven and grill area has knobs that make cooking sounds to add realism to them. The refrigerator and oven are both open in the back so that you can reach in to stock things. The sink is well, just a sink. And the phone will ring and Dora will talk to your child about the meal.
Now we come to what I think is the greatest feature on the Fiesta Kitchen; it is bi-lingual. Without even knowing it, your child will learn things in English and Spanish. Spanish is probably the second largest language spoken in the United States, so that would be a good language to learn. Children pick things up so fast and being exposed to a different language that helps them communicate with others is fantastic in my opinion.
There are two recipe cards that come with the Fiesta Kitchen and each one is reversible. Just place them in the holder and it displays a picture and two recipes on each side. Then they can push the flower button and Dora will talk them through the recipe in English and Spanish so that they learn recipes and languages from the kitchen setting. This is truly a great feature. I for one applaud the fact that this Fisher-Price toy is actually teaching our children something that they can use for the rest of their life.
There are additional recipe cards and play pieces that are sold separately that you can add for more fun in the kitchen.
I hope that you have found this review to be useful in deciding whether this toy is right for you child. Don’t forget to look at my other reviews. You just might find something you would have otherwise missed.
Take care,