If you’ve ever thought about working in construction, now is an excellent time to break into the field. According to statistics from the Department of Labor, construction equipment operators are expected to see the employment rate rise higher than the national average of all other professions.
While there are plenty of jobs out there, there is also plenty of competition. Construction companies are looking to hire operators who are not just eager to work, but who also have the skills and training they need to do their jobs right.
Here at West Coast Training, we can help you gain the skills you need and prepare you for a long-term career. With an education from us, you’ll be the one in demand.
Here are just a few of the things you can gain from becoming a trained construction equipment operator.
America is Growing
There is new construction popping up across America, and companies are always looking for trained construction equipment operators to lend their skills to projects. With the training we can provide, any construction company would be happy to have you on their team.
Anyone who has worked a desk job can tell you that an office can feel more like a prison than a workplace. You do the same thing day in and day out, with little variance or excitement. The weekend gives you a little room to get out and see the world, and when Monday rolls around, it’s back to the daily grind. Maybe that’s fine for some people, but who doesn’t enjoy shaking things up now and again?
For construction equipment operators, the world is the workplace. With growing cities and new construction on the rise, your work could take you all over the area. You’ll get to see new neighborhoods with every job, giving you the chance to get to know your home even better. One day you might be downtown in the bustling heart of the city, while another you might be on the rural outskirts of town. Even if you decide to move to a new town or city, finding more work won’t be a problem.
Safety is a Priority
If you’re serious about a career in construction, you owe it to yourself and those around you to help minimize the risks of the job. When you take the time to receive the proper safety training, you can both protect yourself and make yourself more desirable to a company that might hire you.
It goes without saying that construction sites can be incredibly dangerous places. Heavy machinery, loose building materials, and power tools can cause real damage or harm if the proper precautions aren’t taken. With that kind of danger as an everyday reality of the job, you need to make sure you are minimizing the danger as much as possible.
That’s why so many construction companies prefer hiring construction equipment operators with the training and safety sense to keep themselves and their coworkers safe on the job.
Specialized Skills Are Always Needed
With all the construction popping up across the country, it’s no surprise that construction equipment operators are in high demand. It’s not just because there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, though. It’s because only trained construction equipment operators have the specialized skills necessary to get the job done. Not anyone can just hop in a crane and get to work. You need to have the education and experience to safely and effectively operate heavy equipment.
In receiving the training we offer, you can qualify for a wide variety of different positions in the construction industry. You don’t need to limit yourself to one piece of equipment either. The more equipment you get trained on, the more valuable you are as an employee. The more valuable you are as an employee, the more work prospects there will be available to you.
Good Pay and Benefits Follow In-Demand Jobs
With construction equipment operators in such high demand there’s plenty of incentive to get into the field, and employers know it. When you pursue a career in construction, you can expect it to be worth your time. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, construction equipment operators earn a median wage of just over $20 an hour. With more experience and training, you can earn even more.
It’s not just about the money either. Many companies offer competitive benefits packages as well, covering healthcare, vacation, and retirement. Yes, you should have a job that you find spiritually fulfilling, but at the end of the day you also need your job to support you. With a career in construction, you’ll have the financial security and benefits you need to live a stable life.
There Is Opportunity for Growth
With the demand for trained construction equipment operators, work will always be there when you need it. What’s more, most jobs in construction are full-time engagements. When you’re working, you won’t need to worry about having to find additional work to make ends meet. The job security and consistency that construction equipment operators enjoy is a rare commodity in the modern world, one that you should take advantage of.
On top of that, there is plenty of room to grow beyond your initial job. The more experience you gain in the industry, the more companies will want you to work on their sites. If construction equipment operators are in high demand, experienced construction equipment operators are wanted even more. When you make the decision to commit to a career in construction, you can expect many years of work to follow.
Whenever you’re ready to jump into the construction industry, we’ll be here to help you get your footing. With our training, you’ll be more than prepared to meet the demands of the construction job market.
There’s no better time to start your career than now, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to helping you on your path forward.